Education is the backbone of improved quality of life and key to the growth of the nation.

At Bandhan AMC, we endeavour to enable access to quality education, skill development and vocational training for all the vulnerable among us.

Bandhan AMC
Bandhan AMC

Boosting financial awareness
amongst parents

Bandhan AMC

Training parents on financial safety in order to prevent school dropouts caused by financial crises at home.

Children spend their formative years between home and school, and while a lot of attention is given to help build the infrastructure around the school ecosystem, homes are largely ignored. This leads to an increase in the dropout rate for children whose parents are unable to build a financial net of safety. While providing financial assistance is one way to provide support, Bandhan AMC believes that it is important to impart life skills to these parents through financial awareness programs. It will help these parents become more self-sustained and will ensure that their children don’t drop out of school.

Bandhan AMC

Upskilling teachers

Bandhan AMC

Supporting those working at the forefront of India’s endeavour to educate its children.

In India, a teacher is given the position equivalent to God for the role they play in shaping minds and building the foundation on which our society stands. There is however a constant need for teachers to continue to upskill themselves to stay relevant to the ever-changing world around them. Bandhan AMC recognizes this need and endeavours to provide support in upskilling and motivating one of the most important and influential figures in our lives.

Bandhan AMC

Improving school

Bandhan AMC

Strengthening facilities that promote learning and reduce dropouts.

Even where children have the opportunity to go to schools, a severe infrastructure resource crunch impedes their intellectual growth. There is strong evidence that high-quality infrastructure facilitates better instruction, improves student outcomes, and reduces dropout rates, among other benefits. Bandhan AMC understands the need for ensuring that every child has the right tools in their hands to help them make the best of the opportunity they have.

Bandhan AMC

Supporting girl child

Bandhan AMC

Bridging the literacy gap between boys and girls to bring about economic progress.

Women make up almost 50% of India’s population. However, according to the 2011 Census of India, the disparity in education between boys and girls is clearly visible in India’s literacy rates where 82% of boys are literate while only 65% of girls can read and write. This number has been steadily on the rise, but there is a lot that we still need to do. The economic benefits of educating a girl child create a case for Bandhan AMC to do its part in encouraging more girls to start and remain in schools.

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Bandhan AMC
Bandhan AMC
Bandhan AMC
Bandhan AMC
Bandhan AMC