Mr. Bhupendra Meel joined Bandhan AMC in December 2024 to Head the PMS & Alternative - Fixed Income business. Mr. Meel has over two decades of experience in Indian capital markets, having handled different roles covering sales, investment advisory, market strategy, products & research and fund management spanning across different market segments. He has an expertise in fixed income markets, investment analysis, portfolio & risk management, and portfolio optimization.
Prior to joining Bandhan AMC, Mr. Meel headed the fixed income set-up and managed multiple fixed income strategies under Discretionary Portfolio Management at Deutsche Bank India – IPB. He joined Deutsche Bank from Kotak Bank (Wealth), where he spent four and half years as head of the fixed income strategy, advising clients and managing performance of the overall fixed income assets with the bank. Prior to this, he worked at RBS Coutts as a fixed income specialist for private banking clients in India. Previous experiences also include managing multi -asset model portfolios, institutional & corporate debt advisory, retiral trust’s sales & investment advisory.
Mr. Meel completed his MBA from Goa Institute of Management in 2004. He also holds a PGDMM from Department of Business Administration, Jaipur and a BBA from Sardar Patel University, Gujarat.